Project Types

There are four different project types to choose from: Explore, Discover, Accelerate, and Maximize. And if you’re not sure, you can always start with an Explore project and upgrade as you learn more about your resource needs. Even if you know you’ll eventually need a Maximize project, you can begin with a smaller project so you can get started while you wait for the next semi-annual round of Maximize proposals to be reviewed. The table below compares the key features of each of the different project types.

  • EXPLORE — Great for resource evaluation, graduate student projects, small classes and training events, benchmarking, code development and porting, and similar small-scale uses.

  • DISCOVER — Designed for research grants with modest resource needs, Campus Champions, large classes and training events, graduate student projects, benchmarking and code testing at scale, and gateway development.

  • ACCELERATE — Best for experienced users with mid-scale resource needs, consolidating multi-grant programs, collaborative projects, preparing for Maximize ACCESS requests, and gateways with growing communities.

  • MAXIMIZE — The choice for large-scale research activities that need more resources than the limit for Accelerate ACCESS projects.

Comparison Table

Project Type





ACCESS Credits*  




Awarded in resource units

Project duration

Supporting grant duration or 12 months

Supporting grant duration or 12 months

Supporting grant duration or 12 months

12 months

Requests accepted




Every 6 months

Multiple requests allowed

Multiple requests allowed

Multiple requests allowed

1 allowed (some exceptions)

Requirements and review process


1-page proposal

3-page proposal (max. length)

10-page proposal (max. length)

Confirmation of eligibility and suitability of requested resources

Confirmation of eligibility and suitability of requested resources

Panel merit review

Panel merit review

*For more information see ACCESS Credit Exchange & Calculator page.